What to expect at your consult…

Evan M. Wright, DO, is a board-certified physician and is trained in hormone replacement pellet therapy.  He will discuss many of the symptoms of menopause and andropause including low testosterone, low estrogen, and how bio-identical hormone therapy can help you achieve the quality of life you deserve.

Dr. Wright will answer questions such as:

  • How do I know if I am going through menopause?
  • What other treatment options are available?
  • What are the risks and benefits?
  • What are bio-identical hormones?
  • How are bio-identical hormones different from conventional hormones?
  • What is andropause?

Some of the topics to be discussed:

  • What are hormones and what do they do?
  • How do hormones change as we get older?
  • What is menopause?
  • What are the symptoms of menopause?
  • What is estrogen?
  • What is progesterone?
  • What is testosterone?
  • How do these hormones decline with age?
  • How is menopause treated?
  • What are bio-identical hormones?


  • What are the risks?
  • What about cancer?
  • What is andropause?
  • Why is testosterone important in men?
  • How does testosterone decline with age in men?
  • What is the thyroid and what does it do?
  • Who should consider hormone therapy?
  • How are the hormones administered?
  • What are the benefits of hormone therapy?